
Controller or processor or…? – Self-discovery in data protection

Controller or processor or…? – Self-discovery in data protection

The classification of the actors involved in data processing can lead to complicated demarcation issues in individual cases, even if the distribution of roles specified by the GDPR is straightforward. Thus, controllers and processors may be involved in the processing...

Competence of national competition authorities in GDPR matters

Competence of national competition authorities in GDPR matters

According to the case law of the ECJ, national competition authorities may also check for violations of the GDPR as part of their competition law review.  Opinion of the Court In this regard, the ECJ states in a press release on the judgment in case C-252/21 days:"In...

Balance: Operational IT  IT Security  Data Protection

Balance: Operational IT <-> IT Security <-> Data Protection

Weight distribution - basic concepts Crises like Covid-19 are forcing companies to rethink their processes and adapt their IT structure to these processes. Companies need to maintain a balance between the different functional areas within their organizations. The...

Breach Counselor

Breach Counselor

IT Security Incident Crisis Management In today's world, data breaches are becoming increasingly common and can have devastating consequences for individuals and businesses. If you have been the victim of an IT security incident, a legal advisor (Breach Counselor) can...

NIS-2 Directive: What companies need to consider to ensure cybersecurity

NIS-2 Directive: What companies need to consider to ensure cybersecurity

In today's digital era, businesses are more dependent than ever on the benefits of modern technologies. But with this advancing digitalization also comes increased risks, particularly with regard to cyberattacks and data breaches. To ensure the security of information...